Brock – EGGS Studios
Brock – EGGS Studios: The Pokémon character series by EGGS Studios has released their final figure, featuring the last installment named Takeshi, though we know him as Brock. There are two versions of this figure, one that includes Onix while the other features Steelix. Regardless of what you’ll get, you will also receive Vulpix, Geodude, Crobat, Sudowoodo, Marshtomp, and Forretress, both totaling seven Pokémon!
As the concluding piece of the series, Brock takes center stage with Onix, creating a visually stunning effect! Even through the screen, one can feel the roaring sound of Onix, and the surging sand waves in the scene complement the atmosphere.
On Brock’s face, a confident and proud expression is displayed as he holds a Poké Ball in a striking pose.
Representative Pokémon under Broc’ks command make appearances, each portrayed with meticulous detailing in both appearance and expression.
EGGS Studios has created these six figures over the years, featuring some of the most beloved and memorable characters in the Pokémon series. This may be the end for the Pokémon characters lineup, but EGGS Studios will continue to make more amazing figure down to line. We can’t wait to see what they will come up with next!