Igawa Asagi – Dorobou Neko Studio
Igawa Asagi – Dorobou Neko Studio: Asagi Iwaga, the protagonist of “Taimanin Asagi,” voiced by Hina Nakase, is the captain of the Anti-Demon Ninjas and is recognized as the strongest righteous female ninja among them.
The facial features, including the hairstyle, follow the anime’s design very well. From the images, the portrayal of the skin texture is also good, and the depiction of muscle lines is appropriately done.
The captivating eyes, small mouth, and rosy cheeks make the facial features appear very lively. Some shading is applied here to enhance the three-dimensional effect.
The skin painting is very realistic, and the shadow shading on the skin tone looks quite good, creating a surging and imminent effect. The makeup is three-dimensionally vivid and lifelike.
Having such a high-quality decorative artwork displayed at home would certainly add a unique flavor. For those who are interested, you may consider it!