Gild Tesoro – GG-Studios
Gild Tesoro – GG-Studios: Gild Tesoro, a character from the Japanese animated film “One Piece: Film Gold,” is known as the “Golden Emperor.” He possesses the Goru Goru no Mi Fruit ability, which allows him to control gold, making it stretch and change shape. He is the head of Gran Tesoro, the world’s largest entertainment city, and controls numerous industries worldwide.
Tesoro possesses 20% of the world’s wealth, has influence in both legal and illegal activities, and uses the power of money to manipulate Celestial Dragons and even leverage the World Government’s power. In the underworld, he is the golden emperor who dominates the dark world, and his influence extends worldwide.
His appearance faithfully follows the anime’s design, including his hairstyle and sharp layering. He typically wears pink clothing and pants, along with a purple pair of sunglasses. He has a large pentagonal scar on his back, which conceals the mark of his former slavery as a Celestial Dragon. When receiving guests, Tesoro dresses in a luxurious manner, often adorned with gold accessories such as gold necklaces, gold earrings, and sometimes a gold-inlaid hat.
His body can transform into gold, allowing him to manipulate gold that he has touched, stretching and reshaping it, and even turning it into a massive life form for mass destruction. However, he cannot create gold out of thin air. He can also temporarily assimilate objects he touches with gold dust or gold, turning them into gold.
Fans of this character or One Piece in general may want to keep their eyes on this figure!