Goku – JD Studio
Goku – JD Studio: In the distant planet of Namek, a titanic battle that will decide the fate of the universe is about to unravel. One one side, there’s Frieza’s forces, while the other side consists of the Z Fighters, Goku, Piccolo, Krillin, Gohan, and the newest member, Vegeta. Our main heroes managed to best Frieza’s forces until only the leader himself remained. Despite being the sole combatant left from his force, Frieza is by far the most powerful and dangerous opponent, defeating Goku and his allies one by one with relative ease. After witnessing the death of fellow Saiyan Vegeta and his friend Krillin by Frieza, an angered Goku begins to tap into power levels never before seen.
In a flash of rage, Goku’s appearance is drastically altered. His eyes turned green and his hair spiked up with the unmistakable golden color. His carefree and happy personality seems to have disappeared, replaced with an insatiable bloodlust for vengeance. It didn’t take long for Frieza to finally realize that this Saiyan power he tried so hard to erase many years ago is now staring right in front of him. No longer a myth, Frieza is about to experience first hand this newfound strength of Goku – this time, as a Super Saiyan!
JD studio has done a fantastic job recreating the iconic transformation from the series. The paint job is exceptional, with high saturation colors and a worn look. The texture of the clothes and the detailed muscle painting add a stunning finishing touch. The face sculpt is great, and the head sculpt captures the manga style perfectly.
Although there are Advanced and Standard versions, both versions feature Goku in two forms, which is really considerate.
Besides the two forms, the Advanced version adds an extra battle-damaged upper body. Who understands the value of these bulging muscles and veins?! Additionally, the Advanced version comes with a replaceable flowing hairstyle and a display base. Who wouldn’t be tempted by this?
But that’s not all. The Advanced version also includes a bonus of Krillin holding a Dragon Ball. If your budget allows, go for the Advanced version!
Whether you go for the Standard or Advanced version, you’ll be getting an incredible figure of the iconic character that it’ll make its presence known, wherever you place him. Fans of Dragon Ball may want to keep an eye on this figure!